Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 7, 2015

Exciting news from the CBT Vietnam team!

The CBT Vietnam Project has been nominated for a

The Wild Asia Responsible Tourism Award recognizes the region’s most inspiring responsible tourism initiative. The award marks the 10th year of working with the people in the region of Sapa to ensure that tourism is mutually beneficial to the tourist and to the host community.

We are incredibly honoured to be nominated as a finalist. The community of people and organizations that are working hard to foster responsible tourism in Asia is one that is innovative, resilient, and inspiring. To be a part of this group has been an experience we are very proud of. Congratulations to all of the finalists!

Photo courtesy of the CBT Vietnam Flickr - Photo taken by Kyle Sandilands

Here are some highlights of the CBT Vietnam project so far:
  • Approximately 400 people, including ethnic minorities, have been involved in the training that CBT Vietnam is providing
  • Over 60 tour guides from the Sapa Region have been trained
  • Nearly 30 authentic cultural homestays have been set up in 3 villages: Tavan, Taphin and Lao Chai
  • An increase from US$500/year to US$2400/year of revenue/income generated by some individuals in the village has been seen
In addition to these project achievements and milestones, the project has also served as a tool to create responsible travellers. 

"Projects such as CBT Vietnam play a crucial role in creating responsible tourists. It can be so easy for travellers visiting developing Asian countries to spend their whole holiday in very insular environments --on the tourist track and separate from the local communities. CBT Vietnam helps tourists witness the impacts and experiences that tourism has on the local people. The kind of understanding this creates for a tourist is invaluable and I don’t believe it’s possible to produce responsible tourists without it."
- Taryn Bodrug, student volunteer (CBT Vietnam 2010 - 2014)

Photo courtesy of the CBT Vietnam Flickr - Photo taken by Kyle Sandilands

Not only has this initiative positively impacted the community members and tourists visiting the region, it has also had a profound impact on the volunteers that have helped out with CBT Vietnam and the way that they view sustainable tourism.

"Since I've participated in the CBT Vietnam project, I've become more aware of the impact of my choices and my influence on the environment and the lives of those I come in contact with. I have come to understand that having the privilege of traveling comes with certain responsibilities, and fulfilling these responsibilities is not only a moral obligation, but also a rewarding experience. "
- Hedieh Ahmari, student volunteer (CBT Vietnam 2014)

"Responsible tourism is treating others the way they wish to be treated, traveling within means of continuity for the community and its members, without compromise. CBT Vietnam has shown me the effects of tourism on a community and the fine line that run along responsible tourism and green washing."
- Samantha Macgregor, student volunteer (CBT Vietnam 2014 - 2015)

"CBT Vietnam was developed with the community, based on its assets, objectives, and the desire of the locals to achieve an economic development. It is based off of what the locals need, rather than what the tourists need, which is why it is successful. Not only does it benefit the current local people and tourists, but it also impacts future generations through empowerment and education." 
Sabrina Ouellette, student volunteer (CBT Vietnam 2014)

For more information about the amazing things CBT Vietnam has accomplished, please visit our website.

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